baron Artur Kraus sunspot drawings


_count of _

observations 1 102, years 13

1916 ; 1917 ; 1918 ; 1919 ; 1920 ; 1921 1922 ; 1923 ; 1924 ; 1925 ; 1926 ; 19271928 ; 1929 ; 1930

85 ; 219 ; 160 ; 113 ; 188 ; ; 6 ; 44 ; 100 ; 89 ; 73 ; ; 15 ; 7 ; 3

The „Crazy Baron“ (as the people in Pardubice nicknamed him at one time) was a remarkable man who had overtaken his time.

Baron Artur Kraus studied for several years in France, where he also dealt with astronomy. During his life, he devoted himself to many hobbies in particular photography, aviation, astronomy etc.

In 1912 he established the first observatory in the Czech Republic which he called: Lidová hvězdárna v Pardubicích. The observatory actually functioned as a folk – it’s the main task was the popularization of astronomy, regardless of the property status of those interested.

Since 1913 Baron Artur Kraus has begun to observe the Sun through his own observatory.

Thanks to Martina Exnerová, Pavel Uhrin and Richard Kotrba for scanning these drawings! -SOP